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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Geometrization of fields, CP_2 allows the identification of color gauge potentials as projections of Killing vector fields of color group SU(3) meaning that color quantum numbers are not spinlike: colored states are analogous partial waves in CP_2, GEOMETRIZATION OF CLASSICAL FIELDS forces to replace superposition of fields with that of the effects caused by them, induction procedure 1. CP_2 spinor connec- tion is induced/pro- jected to space-time surface and gives rise to classical electro-weak gauge potentials, induction procedure 4. spinors of 8-D imbedding space define spinors in space-time and gamma matrices are projected: this geometrizes electro- weak isospin and em charge, metric of imbedding space is induced to space-time surface meaning that distances are measured using the metric of the imbedding space, CP_2 spinor connec- tion is induced/pro- jected to space-time surface and gives rise to classical electro-weak gauge potentials meaning that parallel translation is carried out using spinor and vielbein connections of imbedding space, induction procedure 3. metric of imbedding space is induced to space-time surface, induction procedure 2. CP_2 allows the identification of color gauge potentials as projections of Killing vector fields of color group SU(3), GEOMETRIZATION OF CLASSICAL FIELDS relies on induction procedure